Yeah - that freak snow storm (yes SNOW!) didn't last long. The summer weather came back with a vengeance, and I've already broken out the summer clothes, along with water toys. The boys had some fun today, running around in swim trunks and squirting each other.
Liam - stinker butt - got me as I was taking this picture (you can see the water coming out and he's looking at my shirt in the pic as he's drenching me, lol). They had a great time trying to stay cool in this ridiculous weather. Lordy - I can't wait to move away from this place!!!
Liam - stinker butt - got me as I was taking this picture (you can see the water coming out and he's looking at my shirt in the pic as he's drenching me, lol). They had a great time trying to stay cool in this ridiculous weather. Lordy - I can't wait to move away from this place!!!

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