I mentioned a few days ago that I began wearing a brace to exercise. I have been going easy on it - modifying certain exercises to put even less stress on my poor knees. It's helped - but not completely. I can still tell that my knee is off - that it wouldn't take but a stretch to make the sharp pain come back.
So I set an appointment with my doctor. I had a couple other things to take care of anyways - so might as well get it all done with one visit :)
It all went well. They took an x-ray of my knee, so we'll see how that turns out (they had to send it off to some xray reading place cuz apparently they don't have one in their clinic...or something like that - idk exactly!).
Anyhoo - during the waiting room time (which was ridiculously long!!) I grabbed some shots of Liam playing. I thought this one was kinda cute and decided to use it for today's pic :)

So I set an appointment with my doctor. I had a couple other things to take care of anyways - so might as well get it all done with one visit :)
It all went well. They took an x-ray of my knee, so we'll see how that turns out (they had to send it off to some xray reading place cuz apparently they don't have one in their clinic...or something like that - idk exactly!).
Anyhoo - during the waiting room time (which was ridiculously long!!) I grabbed some shots of Liam playing. I thought this one was kinda cute and decided to use it for today's pic :)

And I had another kit to scrap with today. Kristin released this gorgeous nature feeling kit (that had this dark blue in it that called out to me!). I wracked my brain for a photo to scrap, and eventually settled on an older one of Connor. A fave of mine - one of the first pics I took with my old Sony dSLR camera :)
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