So I had today's blog totally all ready to go. I had the photo I wanted to use, and I was writing it (in my head) all afternoon, so excited to get it up! And then Connor when and shocked the crap out of me that I just had to change today's photo to something else!
Last week, Tom finally got around to getting Connor's training wheels off. Downside - the tires were completely flat and we had no clue where the tire pump ended up during the move. Fast forward to last night - Tom got fed up and bought a new one and aired up Connor's tires. It was already dark out (Tom's been working extra late lately - good for money, bad for family time), but Tom took Connor our to the road and gave Connor some help with riding on two wheels. Tom was never able to let go of Connor, but then - we never expected it to just magically happen.
So, today - after Connor got home from school, he was eager to get back out there and try. He got most of his gear on (his hat was all wonky and wouldn't fit, and I wasn't in the mood to wrench the damn thing into place so I could adjust the strap) and out he went. I don't know how long he was out there - 10 minutes maybe. He comes in and yells "Mommy, I did it!" Apparently he rode upright for about 5 seconds. He seemed stoked, so I went outside (I assumed 5 seconds was closer to 5 milliseconds, lol).
Boy was I wrong. He hopped up there, a little wobbly, and rode for a couple seconds. I could tell that he almost had it. So I went over and held his shoulders, helping him feel the balance and where he needed to be. That seemed to do the trick, because he improved right then and there before my eyes! I ran inside and grabbed my phone - I had to get this for Tom!!
After that, I ran inside and found some needle nose pliers and went to town on his helmet. After much pulling (and swearing, lol) I got it fixed and plopped it down on his head (gotta be safe I guess. It's the new age thing). Besides - we headed out to the road to really give him some room to ride.
So yes, you can imagine that today's photo is that of Connor riding his bike :) I really love how this shot came out (I'm glad I rotated the camera at the last second) :D

OH! As if this blog wasn't long already, lol - I finished a layout tonight. Remember when I took all those photos about my day and swore I would make a layout about it (you can see it HERE)? Well - you should be proud of me, cuz I did the layout! YAY ME! :)
That's all for today!! See you later!
Last week, Tom finally got around to getting Connor's training wheels off. Downside - the tires were completely flat and we had no clue where the tire pump ended up during the move. Fast forward to last night - Tom got fed up and bought a new one and aired up Connor's tires. It was already dark out (Tom's been working extra late lately - good for money, bad for family time), but Tom took Connor our to the road and gave Connor some help with riding on two wheels. Tom was never able to let go of Connor, but then - we never expected it to just magically happen.
So, today - after Connor got home from school, he was eager to get back out there and try. He got most of his gear on (his hat was all wonky and wouldn't fit, and I wasn't in the mood to wrench the damn thing into place so I could adjust the strap) and out he went. I don't know how long he was out there - 10 minutes maybe. He comes in and yells "Mommy, I did it!" Apparently he rode upright for about 5 seconds. He seemed stoked, so I went outside (I assumed 5 seconds was closer to 5 milliseconds, lol).
Boy was I wrong. He hopped up there, a little wobbly, and rode for a couple seconds. I could tell that he almost had it. So I went over and held his shoulders, helping him feel the balance and where he needed to be. That seemed to do the trick, because he improved right then and there before my eyes! I ran inside and grabbed my phone - I had to get this for Tom!!
After that, I ran inside and found some needle nose pliers and went to town on his helmet. After much pulling (and swearing, lol) I got it fixed and plopped it down on his head (gotta be safe I guess. It's the new age thing). Besides - we headed out to the road to really give him some room to ride.
So yes, you can imagine that today's photo is that of Connor riding his bike :) I really love how this shot came out (I'm glad I rotated the camera at the last second) :D

OH! As if this blog wasn't long already, lol - I finished a layout tonight. Remember when I took all those photos about my day and swore I would make a layout about it (you can see it HERE)? Well - you should be proud of me, cuz I did the layout! YAY ME! :)
Full credits can be found by clicking on the image!
That's all for today!! See you later!
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