I was in Kindergarten when I got my first bike. It was for my 6th birthday. It was purple and it was perfect! And it was stolen not too long after that. I was devastated :( My parents eventually got me a new bike, but it wasn't the same one - and it wasn't purple (which is my fave color, fyi). Years went by and I've never forgotten about losing my fave bike. And I've also secretly yearned for another purple bike - having never owned another one in that color.
Well, last week Tom got me one. I think he got it cuz I wouldn't do it myself. I had the money and the desire - just wasn't sure if I should spend that much money on myself. So he took the decision out of my control and just got it for me, lol.
Anyhoo - I realized I hadn't gotten a photo of it yet, so here it is - my new baby, lol :)

Isn't she gorgeous! I love her so much! She's so purple and pretty! And she rides wonderfully (though I still don't get all the dang gears - never have, and probably never will, lol). The boys love that I have a bike - Connor loves riding with me! :)
Well, last week Tom got me one. I think he got it cuz I wouldn't do it myself. I had the money and the desire - just wasn't sure if I should spend that much money on myself. So he took the decision out of my control and just got it for me, lol.
Anyhoo - I realized I hadn't gotten a photo of it yet, so here it is - my new baby, lol :)

Isn't she gorgeous! I love her so much! She's so purple and pretty! And she rides wonderfully (though I still don't get all the dang gears - never have, and probably never will, lol). The boys love that I have a bike - Connor loves riding with me! :)
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