Today was all about the wind. I love the wind, but I'm not a fan of it carrying sand & dirt. I know, I know - I live in a desert, and that's what happens here. I get that. But holy crap - it gets crazy sometimes, lol. Luckily, I'd say we only get a storm like this once a month, so that's good. We had one all day today - Tom didn't even have work (wind is good for the wind turbines, but when it gets too fast, the turbines actually put on the breaks and shut down till the wind is more manageable - keeps things from breaking down).
It's kind of insane how blinding these storms are. I tried my best to get a photo of it, but I wasn't willing to go far to get that pic. This one is off my back steps:

You can usually see for miles in every direction. When I took this pic, I thought the mountain was viewable, but after it cleared up, I realized I was off a little. So the "clear" version of this pic doesn't show anything other than blue skies. I'm gonna have to try to get another pic during another storm to show just how little vision we have in all the craziness :)
It's kind of insane how blinding these storms are. I tried my best to get a photo of it, but I wasn't willing to go far to get that pic. This one is off my back steps:

You can usually see for miles in every direction. When I took this pic, I thought the mountain was viewable, but after it cleared up, I realized I was off a little. So the "clear" version of this pic doesn't show anything other than blue skies. I'm gonna have to try to get another pic during another storm to show just how little vision we have in all the craziness :)
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